These swords were in service with the French cavalry of the 17th century.
Swords had relatively wide piercing-slashing two-edged blades, designed to fight with the enemy, protected by the cuirass.
blade length about 80 cm
total length of the sword about 95 cm
blade width at guard about 30 mm
mass of a sword about 1450 gr
Spring tempered steel. Hardened. Polished.
Hilt steel.
Blade hardness 50 HRC.
Scabbard – wood, genuine leather, steel set.
The so-called walloon sword (épée wallone)or haudegen (hewing sword) was common in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Scandinavia in the Thirty Years’ War and Baroque era. The historian and sword typologist Ewart Oakeshott proposed an English origin for this type of sword, with subsequent development in the Netherlands and Germany. Basket-hilted rapiers and sword-rapiers, characterised by pierced shell-guards, made during the same period are known as Pappenheimer rapiers.
The Walloon sword was favoured by both the military and civilian gentry. A distinctive feature of the Walloon sword is the presence of a thumb-ring, and it was therefore not ambidextrous. The most common hilt type featured a double shell guard and half-basket, though examples exist with hand protection ranging from a shell and single knuckle-bow to a full basket.
Following their campaign in the Netherlands in 1672 (when many of these German-made swords were captured from the Dutch), the French began producing this weapon as their first regulation sword.[28] Weapons of this design were also issued to the Swedish army from the time of Gustavus Adolphus until as late as the 1850s
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