Scottish Broadsword (Claymore). Blued. Option 3


Cavalry broadsword.
Western Europe. The last quarter of the XVI – the beginning of the XVIII century.
Such broadswords had long blades and were originally used in cavalry.
In Scotland, such broadswords were called claymores and were used by the mountaineers on foot.

The blade is made of spring tempered steel.
Blade is hardened (Hardness 50 HRC).
The biggest thickness of the blade at the handle: about 6 mm.
The thickness of the blade at the end: about 3.5 mm.
Designed for contact fencing. There are no weaknesses in the design.
The difference from edged weapons – the lack of sharpening the blade.
Blade blunted (edge ​​thickness of 2 mm).


SKU: 28254216 Category:


Cavalry broadsword.
Western Europe. The last quarter of the XVI – the beginning of the XVIII century.
Such broadswords had long blades and were originally used in cavalry.
In Scotland, such broadswords were called claymores and were used by the mountaineers on foot.

The blade is made of spring tempered steel.
Blade is hardened (Hardness 50 HRC).
The biggest thickness of the blade at the handle: about 6 mm.
The thickness of the blade at the end: about 3.5 mm.
Designed for contact fencing. There are no weaknesses in the design.
The difference from edged weapons – the lack of sharpening the blade.
Blade blunted (edge ​​thickness of 2 mm).


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